You can ask the Library to purchase a book by filling out the online form at, or by filling out the suggestion form provided by the Library.
All suggestions for purchase are processed according to the acquisition policy in effect.
Suggestions that are not retained by the Library are submitted for an interlibrary loan (unless otherwise indicated).
Use the form provided on the website.
Did you know that the BibAdo committee chooses some of the Library’s YA books?
The BibAdo committee is made up of teens ages 12 to 17 from the Valcourt area and two Library employees, who lead the meetings that are held periodically. The young committee members have fun talking about their literary tastes and their favourite books, and even to open the boxes of new books in the Library’s workroom.
The committee guides the Library in purchasing books for this age group.
Would you like to make a YA purchase suggestion? Interested in joining the BibAdo acquisition committee? Write to us at
The BibAdo project aims to help teenagers develop a sense of belonging to the Yvonne L. Bombardier Library and spark an interest in books and reading. This project is made possible by the financial support of Projet Partenaires pour la Réussite Éducative en Estrie and the government of Quebec. Partners from the Valcourt community are also involved in the project, notably École secondaire l’Odyssée.
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